Archive for the ‘Blog Post’ Category
Relationship vs. Transactional Selling
February, 11
If you own or run a business, you surely value the strong business relationships you have with your clients. When asked what your company sells, you may have even said at one time another, “We don’t really sell anything. I guess you could say we sell relationships.” While strong relationships are very important and over […]
read full articleWhat’s in a Name? (“What the heck were you thinking?”)
December, 27
I heard my friend and branding specialist, Terry Marks say, “I’ve always wanted to brand a company ‘ACME‘.” I replied he had to be kidding me, but it didn’t sound as crazy as other things I’ve heard him say, so I kept my mind open. Terry proceeded to tell me what Acme means. Based […]
read full articleWhat Is 100% Sure?
December, 26
Growth. Most company leaders want growth in some capacity. Within the sales department, that growth typically shows in key performance indicators such as sales volume, profit or market share increases. Most executives think their sales organizations can grow, but they are not 100% sure. What follows is a list of questions about the sales organization […]
read full articleWelcome to Acme Sales Development Blog!
December, 05
Professional sales is always changing. It seems with each passing year there is a great new tool available to revolutionize your sales department. Companies may try to implement systems and processes, which even serve to commoditize salespeople. And, it is true there is less face-to-face selling than in the past. Acme Sales Development exits with […]
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