Relationship vs. Transactional Selling

Posted on: February 11th, 2014

If you own or run a business, you surely value the strong business relationships you have with your clients. When asked what your company sells, you may have even said at one time another, “We don’t really sell anything. I guess you could say we sell relationships.”

While strong relationships are very important and over time may bring a substantial amount of business, the statement “we sell relationships” is inaccurate and possibly very dangerous to your organization. This is especially true if your salespeople believe the same.

If you are the organization bringing product or service to a marketplace, you are selling. The successful process of developing a business relationship culminates in a transaction. If there are no transactions, you have no business.

When considering your salespeople, it’s important to know there are many different types. Some can appear more polished than others. Some have better or different skills. The most important thing for your business is to insure you have sales people who can support and implement your sales strategy. Whether or not you require salespeople to develop strong relationships, realize the value of a salesperson to your organization is the ability he or she has to cause a business transaction.

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